Freight Bill Payment Processing Services

NexGen Logistics, being the leading offshore logistics BPO outsourcing company, is well-specialized in rendering our global clients with affordable freight bill payment processing services.

The team at NexGen in-houses a pool of extraordinarily working professionals who possess a greater proficiency in using contemporary technologies. We guarantee to accomplish the best and streamlined freight bill payment processing within the stipulated time

Freight invoices are one of the crucial aspects of every logistics business and hence, the processing of these freight bill payments occupies a pivotal prominence.

Our professional team gets involved with the concept of managing, reviewing, auditing, and allocating the payment. Our accurate services intend to minimize errors such as duplication, billing flaws, and irrelevant freight rates.

Our service can be segregated into two groups:

Freight Bill Pre-Audit Processing – This category involves the auditing process, which is essential before making the freight payment. We are renowned for executing this phase with the perfection that includes the reduction of various disagreements and errors. Our team is well-versed with rendering complete assurance of the invoice preciseness before making a payment.

Freight Bill Payment Processing – There are certain calculations that need to be executed after making the freight bill payment. NexGen Data Entry undertakes the accountability to execute a robust auditing process, followed by processing the various logistic invoices. Our team detects and rectifies the loopholes present in the invoices, which if not identified, can lead to miscalculations and flaws.

Process of Freight Bill Payment Processing Followed at NexGen Logistics BPO

  • • The crucial data related to freight bills are stored in a secure database.
  • • The scanned images are accessed through a secure VPN
  • • Under the processing stage, the important data is drawn from the BOL and invoices
  • • Matching the BOL’s against the respective invoices, which is sorted through date, category, etc.
  • • Validation of bill details such as rate, quantity, taxes, etc.
  • • Later on, these validated invoices are sent for the payment processing stage.

Reason to Hire NexGen Logistics BPO

  • • An expert of dedicated professionals who will simplify the process of freight bill processing.
  • • Valuable in-house resources and state-of-the-art infrastructure and technologies
  • • Delivering quality-enriching and error-free result at an affordable cost
  • • Possessing the best data security and data confidentiality measures
  • • Enhancing the business efficiency of your logistic firm and enabling you to focus on core functioning
  • • Successful auditing and processing of the freight bills within our client-mentioned time

Being one of the reputed logistic BPO companies worldwide, we ensure to understand the requirement and criteria of our clients and abide by the robust security protocols at every stage. To get a better knowledge of our process, feel free to contact us at [email protected]

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